D roit Commercial

Cession de fonds de commerce, la représentation de client dans les procès de contrefaçon, droit des sûretés, négociation et rédaction de tous contrats commerciaux, assistance et suivi des demandes d’autorisation et autres décisions administratives auprès de l’administration de la Côte d’Ivoire ou de pays de la sous-région.

Auguste comte
Nul ne possède d’autre droit que celui de toujours faire son devoir.
What is Business Law and Why Is It Important?
Business law plays a vital role in regulating business practices in a country. Here are some points that prove why business law is so relevant:
Compensation Issues
Rights of Shareholders
Business Formation
What are the Functions of Business Law?
- Taxation
- Competition
- Intellectual Property
- Employment
- Environmental Law
Questions and Answers ?
The police must read the Miranda warnings before they interrogate someone who is in custody. Whether a custodial interrogation is occurring depends on the specific circumstances.
Search and seizure rules apply when law enforcement conducts a search that invades a citizen’s legitimate expectation of privacy. The expectation must be objectively reasonable in the situation.
In some states, law enforcement will eliminate an arrest from an individual’s record automatically if they are not charged. Otherwise, you may need to petition for a finding of factual innocence.